Which machine learning algorithms uses both labeled and unlabeled data for training?


A separate area of ​​machine learning called semi-supervised learning combines aspects of unsupervised and supervised learning. During training, it uses a mixture of large amounts of unlabeled data and small amounts of labeled data. This method is particularly useful when obtaining labeled data is expensive or takes a long time. Semi-supervised learning methods are able to outperform fully supervised models in terms of accuracy and generalization by using vast amounts of freely accessible unlabeled data. Yet, which machine learning algorithms train on both labeled and unlabeled data? This blog article intends to examine this topic in detail by providing insights into the main ideas, methods, advantages, and practical uses of semi-supervised learning.

Table of Contents

Semi-supervised learning: key concepts and benefits

Which machine learning algorithms uses both labeled and unlabeled data for training

Semi-supervised learning falls somewhere in the middle between supervised learning, which exclusively uses labeled data, and unsupervised learning, which only uses unlabeled data. The fundamental idea behind semi-supervised learning is to use the structure present in unlabeled data to enhance the learning process and gain a deeper understanding of the underlying distribution. The main benefits are that it is more economical because it does not require a lot of labeled data; it also improves the accuracy of the model because it can learn from more data points; and it is more flexible because it can be used in other domains. Semi-supervised learning is a flexible strategy in machine learning because it can also handle situations with sparse labeled data.

Techniques to combine labeled and unlabeled data

In semi-supervised learning, combining labeled and unlabeled data can be accomplished in several ways. The model is first trained on labeled data, after which it is used to predict labels for unlabeled data. Finally, the model is retrained using the trusted predictions. This process is known as self-training. By using multiple models trained on different views of the data, co-training takes advantage of different views as the models label data for each other. Graph-based techniques like label propagation distribute labels from labeled to unlabeled data over a graph structure using connections between data points. Each strategy has advantages and disadvantages, and the best approach is determined by the task at hand, the details of the data and its characteristics.

The role of labeled and unlabeled data in semi-supervised learning models

Labeled data gives the model the first direction and ground truth in semi-supervised learning, allowing it to understand basic patterns and correlations. On the other hand, unlabeled data facilitates the model’s ability to understand the broader structure and distribution of the dataset, which boosts performance and improves generalization. The model uses the property of unlabeled data to improve its knowledge by repeatedly refining its predictions through the interaction between labeled and unlabeled data. Semi-supervised learning models are able to achieve better results than labeled data due to this synergistic use of both types of data, especially in situations when there are not enough labeled examples.

How Semi-supervised Learning Algorithms Work?

Typically, semi-supervised learning techniques begin with a training phase that creates a baseline model using the available labeled data. Unlabeled data is then subjected to this model, which creates pseudo-labels — predictions that the model trusts. The model is repeatedly retrained using both the initial labeled data and new pseudo-labeled data, treating these pseudo-labeled data points as additional labeled examples. This process continues until the model converges or performs well enough. Since semi-supervised learning is iterative, the model can learn from a larger dataset and improve over time, becoming more accurate and flexible.

Real-World Applications of Semi-Supervised Learning in Different Industries

Applications of semi-supervised learning can be found in many different fields. It is used in the healthcare industry for tasks such as medical image analysis and disease prediction, where labeled data can be expensive and difficult to obtain. Semi-supervised models are used in the banking industry to identify fraudulent activity when there are not enough labeled samples. By using a significant amount of unlabeled text data, it helps with problems related to language translation, sentiment analysis, and text classification in natural language processing. The adaptability of semi-supervised learning makes it a vital tool in situations when labeled data is difficult to obtain, leading to more effective and efficient solutions in various fields.

Popular Semi-Supervised Learning Algorithms

Several widely used algorithms have been created to efficiently handle both labeled and unlabeled inputs. To improve classification accuracy, semi-supervised support vector machines (S3VM) extend the traditional support vector machine (SVM) technique by incorporating unlabeled inputs. Self-training algorithms iteratively label and retrain the model using its own predictions, which get better with each run. Graph-based algorithms, such as label propagation, spread labels across the graph using the natural structure of the data to give corresponding data points matching labels. These algorithms are flexible tools in the machine learning toolbox, each with different advantages that can be chosen according to the details of the data and the task at hand.

Challenges and Solutions in Semi-Supervised Learning

Which machine learning algorithms uses both labeled and unlabeled data for training

Although robust, semi-supervised learning has its drawbacks. A significant problem is label noise, in which model performance can be adversely affected by false pseudo-labels. Model bias is another problem, where biased data can be introduced initially and propagate throughout training. Furthermore, some semi-supervised learning strategies can be resource-intensive in terms of computing. Researchers use methods such as careful pseudo-label selection, iterative refinement procedures to progressively increase model accuracy, and optimization approaches to reduce computing burden to overcome these problems. These methods help to minimize the difficulties and maximize the potential of semi-supervised learning.

Success Stories of Semi-Supervised Learning in Action

Semi-supervised learning has been effectively implemented by many top businesses to improve their operations. Google improves the relevance and accuracy of search results by using semi-supervised learning to fine-tune its search algorithm. Facebook uses it in its recommendation and content moderation systems, which allows it to handle large amounts of data with few labeled examples. To improve its recommendation system and provide more accurate and customized movie and show recommendations to viewers, Netflix uses semi-supervised learning. These achievements demonstrate the utility of semi-supervised learning in addressing real-world problems by highlighting its many applications and practical benefits.

How to implement semi-supervised learning in your machine learning project?

Semi-supervised learning implementation involves several processes. First, choose the right algorithm for the job by considering the needs of the problem and the properties of your data. After that, merge the labeled and unlabeled data to prepare your dataset. Start by using the labeled data to train your first model, then use this model to create pseudo-labels for the unlabeled data. Iteratively refine the model by incorporating these pseudo-labeled data points into the training process. Make sure the model is always tuned and evaluated to ensure it meets the performance requirements. You can use both labeled and unlabeled data in your projects and apply semi-supervised learning efficiently by following these procedures.

How to choose the right semi-supervised learning algorithm for your data?

Choosing the best semi-supervised learning method depends on many variables. Take into account the structure of your data; for example, if your data can be represented as a graph, a graph-based technique may be suitable. Consider the particular needs of your application domain; different algorithms may be more suitable for particular assignments. Check the available computing resources, as some semi-supervised learning methods may require a lot of them. Also check the advantages and disadvantages of other algorithms to choose which one best suits the quality of your data and the objectives of your project. You can choose the best algorithm for your purposes by carefully weighing these aspects.


With semi-supervised learning, you can effectively use labeled and unlabeled data to build accurate, versatile, and cost-effective models. Through the understanding and use of the proper methodology and algorithms, you can leverage the potential of semi-supervised learning in your ventures. This method is a useful tool in the machine learning space as it reduces the dependency on labeled data as well as enhances model performance.


A machine learning technique known as semi-supervised learning trains on both labeled and unlabeled data.

It can be used in various domains with less labeled data, and it increases accuracy while reducing the labeling cost.

Label noise, model bias, and computing complexity are the difficulties.

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