Does deep learning require feature engineering?


Deep learning has become a powerful tool in the field of Artificial Intelligence, transforming many fields with its ability to draw conclusions from vast amounts of data. Whether feature engineering – the act of selecting and changing input variables – is essential to the success of deep learning is a relevant topic that comes up in this field. We will examine the need, impact, and methods of feature engineering in the context of deep learning in this blog article.

Does deep learning require feature engineering

Table of Contents

Is Feature Engineering Necessary for Deep Learning Success?

The central question in this discussion is whether explicit feature engineering is necessary for deep learning models to learn from unprocessed input. Deep learning, with its ability to automatically create hierarchical representations, challenges the idea that standard machine learning algorithms rely heavily on feature engineering to represent data in a way that is conducive to learning.

Feature Engineering vs Feature Learning

While feature learning – a key component of deep learning – involves automatically extracting meaningful representations from unprocessed data, feature engineering involves manually creating features based on domain expertise or inference. The advantage of feature learning is that it can potentially eliminate the need for human feature engineering by learning complex patterns and representations directly from the data, while feature engineering provides interpretation and control over the inputs to the model.

Impact of Feature Engineering on Deep Learning Performance

Although end-to-end learning, in which models consume raw inputs and derive ideal representations, may seem attractive, feature engineering often contributes significantly to improving the efficacy of deep learning models. Properly designed features have the potential to accelerate learning, enhance generalization, and reduce overfitting, resulting in more flexible and understandable models.

When and How to Employ Feature Engineering in Deep Learning?

The choice of using feature engineering depends on many variables, including computing power, domain expertise, and dataset complexity. When working with less data or in situations where subject matter expertise is important, careful feature engineering can be useful. On the other hand, feature learning techniques may be sufficient for situations when data is abundant and rich.

Feature Selection in Deep Learning

Finding the most relevant features from a list of candidates is the goal of feature selection, which is a subset of feature engineering. Filters, wrappers and embedding approaches are some of the techniques that help in selecting the best feature subset to increase the efficiency and interpretability of the model.

Impact of Feature Engineering on Deep Learning

Does deep learning require feature engineering

Feature engineering has a significant impact on the performance, interpretability, and scalability of deep learning models. Feature engineering guides the learning process by carving out the input space, which helps the model identify important patterns and correlations in the data.

Feature Extraction Techniques in Deep Learning

Feature extraction combines a wide range of methods with the goal of transforming unprocessed data into useful representations. Many techniques address different data modalities and goals, ranging from manually created features based on domain expertise to automated feature extraction using convolutional and recurrent neural networks.

Automated Feature Engineering in Deep Learning

The process of feature engineering is becoming increasingly automated with the introduction of Neural Architecture Search (NAS) and automated machine learning (AutoML). By using algorithms to automatically create, select, and combine features, these methods improve model performance and reduce the workload associated with human feature engineering.

Real-World Applications of Feature Engineering in Deep Learning

To fully utilize deep learning, feature engineering is essential in areas such as computer vision, natural language processing, and time-series analysis. Optimized feature engineering methods are the foundation of many successful applications, ranging from image preprocessing techniques to text embedding methods and signal processing algorithms.

Tools and Frameworks for Feature Engineering

Many frameworks and technologies make it easy to incorporate feature engineering into the deep learning process. Libraries that offer a variety of pre-processing methods and feature selection algorithms, including Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, and TensorFlow, provide strong support for feature engineering tasks.

Feature Engineering in Time-Series Deep Learning

Deep learning feature engineering poses special opportunities and problems when working with time-series data. By enabling the extraction of temporal patterns and trends, methods such as delayed variables, rolling statistics and Fourier transforms enable the creation of deep learning models.


In summary, although the need for feature engineering in deep learning may vary depending on the goal and data properties, its impact on interpretability and model performance cannot be ignored. Through strategic use of feature engineering approaches, professionals can fully leverage the potential of deep learning, generating new insights and stimulating innovation across a variety of fields.


Deep learning models are able to autonomously derive complex representations from unprocessed inputs. On the other hand, skillfully designed feature engineering can accelerate learning and enhance model performance in specific situations.

 Indeed, feature engineering can be automated using Neural Architecture Search (NAS) and automated machine learning (AutoML) approaches, which also reduces manual involvement and improves model efficiency.

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for image data, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) for sequence data, and word embeddings for natural language processing applications are common feature extraction approaches in deep learning.

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