Is deep learning harder than machine learning?


From healthcare to banking, artificial intelligence (AI) has completely transformed many industries. Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) are two main subfields of AI. Although both aim to create data-driven systems, they operate at different dimensions and levels of complexity. The field of machine learning includes many different types of algorithms that can be used for different types of data and issues. Deep learning, on the other hand, is a type of machine learning that uses multi-layer neural networks to analyze data in sophisticated ways, often leading to better results on tasks like voice and image recognition. With the goal of answering the question, “Is deep learning harder than machine learning?” this blog seeks to analyze the nuances of both.

Table of Contents

Machine Learning vs Deep Learning

The algorithms used in machine learning read the input, absorb knowledge from it, and then decide what to do next. These algorithms consist of support vector machines, decision trees, and linear regression. Feature extraction – the process by which human experts select relevant features from unprocessed data – is typically required for machine learning models. Deep learning, on the other hand, uses multi-layered neural networks to automate feature extraction. Since these networks are able to learn complex abstractions from unprocessed inputs, deep learning is very effective for computer vision and natural language processing applications. The depth and complexity of these models cause deep learning to outperform regular machine learning on many tasks, but they also make it harder to understand and use.

How deep learning takes it up a notch

Is deep learning harder than machine learning

Deep learning builds on the concepts of machine learning by automating the feature extraction process through the use of multilayer neural networks. The layers of a deep learning model transform incoming data into even more complex and abstract representations. For example, in image recognition deeper layers can distinguish shapes and objects, while early levels can recognize edges. Due to their hierarchical learning process, deep learning models perform very well in difficult tasks such as item recognition, language translation, and gaming. The networks have the ability to reflect complex patterns in the data, as they are very deep, but it also has some disadvantages, such as long training periods, increased processing costs, and the possibility of overfitting, which occurs when a model performs well on training data but poorly on unknown data.

Volume and Quality in Deep Learning

The amount of data required for ML and DL differs significantly from each other. Models for deep learning perform best with a very high volume of high-quality data. To train them efficiently, a large amount of labeled data is required, which can be a challenge for many organizations. Deep learning algorithms are prone to underfitting or failing to identify underlying patterns in the absence of sufficient data. Also, the quality of the data is quite important; noisy or irrelevant data can lead to poor model performance. Conversely, if the features are well engineered, classical machine learning models can still work effectively with fewer datasets. This increases the applicability and accessibility of machine learning to a wide range of applications, especially those with scarce data sources.

Hardware demands of deep learning

The computing requirements of deep learning are another element that increases its complexity. Deep learning models require a lot of processing power to train, especially models with many layers and parameters. To speed up the training process, high-performance GPUs and TPUs (tensor processing units) are often needed. Compared to classical machine learning, which often operates on basic hardware, deep learning requires more resources due to this requirement. In addition, the need for specialized gear drives up prices and hinders access, making it difficult for solo researchers or small organizations to use deep learning properly. Proficiency in parallel computing and optimization techniques is also necessary to make effective use of this gear.

Why can deep learning be time-consuming?

Deep learning model training takes a long time for several reasons:

  • Model complexity: DL models with many layers and neurons require extensive computation. Each training iteration involves forward and backward passes through the entire network, which is computationally intensive.
  • Large data sets: Handling and processing large datasets is inherently time-consuming. Data preprocessing, augmentation, and loading into memory can significantly increase the overall training time.
  • Hyperparameter tuning: DL models have many hyperparameters that need to be fine-tuned, such as learning rate, batch size, and network architecture. This process often involves trial and error, requiring multiple training runs to find the optimal configuration. These factors contribute to the extended time required for deep learning projects, from data preparation to model deployment.

When to use deep learning over machine learning?

While deep learning excels in the following situations, classical machine learning is better suited for simpler jobs or situations with less data:

  • Rich and plentiful data: Deep learning models work best with huge datasets, making them perfect for applications where large amounts of data are readily available, such as speech and image recognition.
  • The task requires sophisticated pattern recognition: Deep learning models with hierarchical feature learning are useful for tasks involving the understanding of complex structures, such as natural language processing and video analysis.
  • Automating feature extraction is desirable: Using raw data, deep learning models automatically extract relevant features, eliminating the need for human feature engineering. However, deep learning is not always the ideal choice, especially when there is not much data available or when simplicity and interpretability are important.

Success Stories and Failures in Deep Learning and Machine Learning

Is deep learning harder than machine learning

Deep learning has achieved successes in voice assistants (Alexa, Siri), autonomous driving (like Tesla’s Autopilot), and medical imaging (where deep learning models have achieved never-before-heard-of accuracy in detecting diseases from photographs). However, deep learning has also failed, often as a result of misinterpreting data or overfitting on limited datasets. An example of how vulnerable deep learning models are to adversarial attacks is that deep learning models have sometimes misclassified objects in photos as a result of minute disturbances. Predictive maintenance, fraud detection, and personalized marketing are three areas where traditional machine learning has seen some success due to the models’ ability to interpret structured data quickly and accurately. Insufficient data, improper feature selection, or overreliance on older models are usually the causes of failures. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy is essential to successfully using AI.

Is deep learning easy to learn?

The computational and mathematical complexity of deep learning can make it harder for novices to learn than classical machine learning. The fundamentals of programming and mathematics such as gradient descent, backpropagation, and neural network topology are essential. But the plethora of tutorials, courses, and frameworks available online, such as PyTorch and TensorFlow, has opened up deep learning to a wider audience. However, before delving into deep learning, it is advisable to understand machine learning principles thoroughly. Learning tools such as interactive notebooks, detailed documentation, and community support can greatly facilitate the learning process and help overcome beginner obstacles. 


So, is machine learning easier or harder than deep learning? Yes, in many ways. Deep learning requires more knowledge, processing power, and experience. But it also creates opportunities to tackle complex issues that traditional machine learning is unable to solve successfully. The particular needs and limitations of your project will determine which is best for you: machine learning or deep learning. Deep learning is often the best choice for applications requiring complex pattern recognition and large amounts of data. For smaller tasks or dealing with insufficient data, traditional machine learning may be a more viable and effective approach. Ultimately, the secret to successfully using AI is to recognize the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy.


 Yes, deep learning models generally need a large amount of data to perform well.

For small projects, yes, but for more comprehensive models, you will need powerful hardware such as a GPU.

No, deep learning is best suited for complex problems with abundant data. Simpler problems may be better suited for traditional machine learning.

Although it is not mandatory, understanding the basics of machine learning can provide a strong foundation for mastering deep learning.

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